Integrating Transformation


Large Scale cultural Transformation shift

When someone approaches us we think of the possible. A European agency tasked Sarah to create and deliver a solution which was to support their current process of organisational transformation. The transformation strategy was to facilitate a more efficient leadership culture, define an organisational culture, create a new working model and also to bring the two geographical sites closer together culturally and more operationally aligned. The solution was given the logistical hurdle of covering the organisation’ s two sites across the period of just one week!

To achieve this, Sarah developed a multi-model blended approach, providing a series of training and discussion opportunities which would inform, enthuse and engage all their staff.

The designed and agreed objectives:

•        define what change is and how it impacts on people

•        identify people's differing responses to change

•        explore the reasons why people often resist change

•        help individuals work constructively through change

•        state the importance of creating a shared vision for the future

•        develop the skills to build a compelling vision for change with all those involved

The solution… tailored workshops facilitated by multiple trainers, designed uniquely to managers and staff supporting them with tools to cope and deliver through large scale change. To connect the community a ‘change process simulation’ brought people together to play out a change situation encouraging them to practise, demonstrate and reflect. For our inspiring finale our delegates had an ‘audience with’ style guest speaker presenting various ‘ted-talk’ themed sessions with an evening of informal questions and answers over drinks.

Who said it couldn’t be done!